Saturday, June 27, 2009

First Order for Hero Required

Today the very first order came in for 'Hero Required'! So exciting to know that people want to read my book ... and unless they read my blog or look on other sites, they'll be completely unaware that said book is sitting next to me still being proof read!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Proofs Have Arrived!!!

A nice fat padded envelope arrived today - first proofs of Hero Required. Just 309 pages to wade through! Interestingly, I have to correct any errors with a RED pen which is quite ironic as in school we're not supposed to use red pens. It's apparently a throw back from the old school days when everything was crossed through and marked in red, leaving the poor pupil quite traumatised! So what about me then - what if I become traumatised whilst correcting it?? Heigh-ho!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wednesday writing workshop

So the writer's workshop went well. About twenty children turned up which was a good number to work with. I used characterisation as a focus which is a fun way of getting children to talk to each other and stimulates their thinking.
I just have a box of bits and pieces i.e. scarf, glasses, travel brochure, candle, an orange etc. You need around fifty items to share between groups of four children. I give a mix of 'artifacts' to each group and a large piece of paper with marker pens. Then I get them to talk about who the character could be, based on the artifacts they have. After a quick chat they draw out the character and make notes around the figure. Finally they present their characters to each other. Great fun! In longer sessions I ask the children to come up with a story summary using two or three of the characters. It certainly seems to inspire story writing which is why I like doing it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Writing workshop

Have a writing workshop at school tomorrow. I shall go through how to create good characters using different artefacts to help. Hopefully, I'll sell some books too!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Book launch

After placing my order with the printers for the new book, I'm now turning my head towards the book launch. My local Waterstone's have kindly offered to host it. I'm probably going to have a small gathering for friends and family during the week with an author signing on the following Saturday. Just need to tie the printers down to a firm delivery date ...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Another school talk

Gave an author talk to years 3/4/5/6 at Cuddington Croft Primary School today. They were a fabulous audience and listened really well. Sold loads of books. The staff were great too. Thank you!

Monday, June 08, 2009

The interview I was doing about self-publishing has just gone live! Look really good and the book covers look great!

Have a look and let me know what you think!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

New Book Gone!

Crikey, that feels good! The third book, Hero Required, is completely finished and has gone off to the printers - at last.
It has taken so long to get this one out as I have been writing other books in between. I feel really pleased as its written in a completely different way.
It's due out in July - not sure what date, but will let everyone know as soon as I do.

Friday, June 05, 2009

New book cover!

Hooray! The cover for the third Aggie Lichen book 'Hero Required' has finally been finished. The cover has been sent to the printers for a sample print just to test out the colour and to see if the white print stands out enough. The designer, Tara Bush, has done a fantastic job and I'm really pleased. What do you think?

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

School visit

Today I gave an author talk to 100 Yr3/4 pupils at Northolmes Junior School in Horsham, Surrey. They are looking at British writers for their literacy topic. It seemed to go down well and the children were very interested. Sold a few books too which is always good news.

Had some fabulous questions asked:
Who is my favourite author?
What's the longest story I have written?
Did I draw the cover too?

But my favourite was:
If I didn't have a talent for writing, what talent would I wish for?

Monday, June 01, 2009

Today I am responding to questions from Tracy Baines about self-publishing. I found out that Tracey was blogging a series through SCBWI. She had some great self-published authors already on the blog and kindly agreed to let me rant and rave about the trials of self-publishing so I am just in the middle of explaining what it all entails. Do look out for it either through SCBWI or Jacketflap. Hopefully I will come across as sophisticated and knowledgable ...