Thursday, November 18, 2010

SCBWI Conference

Just returned from SCBWI conference and am full of ideas from the inspirational speakers I heard. I really do need to get on with editing Marvin, but school work getting in the way as usual! Found the critique meeting useful and will be putting some of the ideas into practice, but certainly not all of them. Made new friends, Kathy and Mel, and met up with lots of Facebook friends too. A great weekend in all.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Cornerstones report

So here I am, report in hand, looking through all the things that may need changing. It's amazing how when you write a book you just don't see the blatantly obvious - well, I don't.
One thing that came up was using too many other words for 'said' as it disturbs the flow of the reading. I can see that, but in school we are always on at children not to just use 'said' which puts me in a dilemma. We have lessons on, 'how many words can you find to replace 'said'', words to make your writing more 'interesting'.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


After a long hard think, Marvin will be renamed as 'The Curse'. It sounds quite dramatic and relates well to the plot of the story. I keep thinking about covers to and have been playing with colours, shapes etc. I am hoping that it will be published mainstream, but I suppose there is always a chance that I will need to self-publish again.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Final stab

I have decided to send 'Marvin' off to Cornerstone's to see if they can give me some pointers seeing as no publishers have been interested.
I'm also thinking that if this doesn't work it may be time to throw in the towel. I'll still write, but for me. Sometimes you just have to be realistic!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Marvin, the seventeen year old in my current book, is still moving along at a pace - snail's pace to be honest. Finding time to write has always been difficult and seems all the more so now. I have to just keep plugging away and hope I will eventually come to a natural end - that's the book, not me!