Friday, December 30, 2011


I need to be more pro-active about getting reviews so, if you have read any of my books ... and enjoyed them ... would you please be kind and review it/them on Amazon etc for me. Thanks.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Book events

Have just finished the last of my Christmas book signings and so pleased! Have sold lots of books and met some fabulous people too. Many thanks to all the book stores and readers who bought my books. Merry Christmas!


Well, the MS is back from Lucy with 327 comments. I've already made lots of changes, but still a long way to go. Have moved the finishing line to beginning of March as no way can I get it done any sooner!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Waterstone's Sutton

Home from home! I just love signing at Waterstone's Sutton! There's no fuss. I just get on with talking to people in the hope they might want to buy my book. The staff are so suppportive and always check to see if things are going okay. They build me up by telling me that I'm their best selling local author with little signs by my books saying just that! Just love it!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Okay, let's skip to the SCBWI agent's party.
A good turn out of SCBWI members and lots of lovely literary agents. Some of them seemed to be after exactly what I hade written; Marvin's Curse. So after introductions and questions I decide to approach one of them. I wait patiently in line for my turn, wishing the other writers would just hurry up, after all, it was my work she wanted, not theirs.
So my turn comes ... and my mouth goes into involuntary spasms. I spout something out about a boy who sees and speaks to ghosts; she's not impressed. So I try harder, too hard. 'W-What if he had mental health issues?' I babble. Well, to say the colour drained from her cheeks would be an understatement. 'Have you ever tried writing a pitch?' she says. Oh, god. Beam me up Scottie.

catch up

At last. I have been trying to access my account for sooo long. So here I am. I'm back and here's a quick catch up
- several author signings at schools completed
- lots of signings at bookstores
- eldest daughter married
- new website up and running
- grandson started school
- Marvin re-edited by Lucy Cuthew
- attended SCBWI agents party

And lots, lots more

Will start filling in the details ...