Friday, December 13, 2013

New Review for Marvin's Curse

Just came across this review on Goodreads from November. Thank you, Yohanna!

'I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

When I first started reading the book, my thought was Ghost Whisperer, only a younger version. My next thought was Sixth Sense.

It is a unique story line and it kicked in my imagination. The scenes were detailed and descriptive enough that the author took me there. This is a book I would recommend. I love and strive to find books that ignite my imagination and this definitely did that.

Read this book, you won't be disappointed. I wasn't :)'

Still just 96p on Amazon!

Saturday, December 07, 2013

A busy week!

The time before Christmas is always busy and for me that has meant attending Christmas craft fairs, Christmas school fairs and signing books in stores. With almost 100 books sold this week I am a very happy author. I have been selling and signing the Aggie Lichen trilogy as these are in printed form, but it didn't stop me advertising my teen e-book Marvin's Curse by showing the trailer on my netbook and giving out info. In fact, I was amazed to see Marvin's Curse 'storm' up the Kindle charts to #13 in the YA horror category. Just shows what promotion can do at the right time and place.

Claire and Lauren

Emily, Ashley and Sharmina

As always, I have met some fabulous people, in W H Smith's, Croydon for example. Some just very excited like Lauren and Claire, who were really pleased to meet an author and bought a set of the books EACH! Emily, Ashley and Sharmina were out shopping and we got talking about the books. Emily was persuaded to by a book, not by me, but by her friends. I hope she hasn't regretted it! Other people wanted to talk about writing as they had the creative urge too. All in all, it's been a crazy week with more to come. Thanks to everyone who bought or helped in the success.