Thursday, June 12, 2014

New venture


So trying something new! I've signed up to this new YA site which I'm hoping will drive more readers my way for Marvin's Curse. There are lots of great YA books on there already, but this site allows indie authors to list their own titles too.

It's a site where readers can go online to submit reviews themselves which is a great idea. Reviewers can also enter giveaways for books. So far, 74 people have looked at my page, but still waiting for the first review to be submitted. 

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Reviews - Are they important?


I received another review for Marvin's Curse yesterday from Jada Ryker from Kentucky who awarded it 5 stars on Amazon and Goodreads. Obviously I was thrilled with this, but you might ask why. Are reviews really important to authors? Well, I have to a big YES to that. And not only important to authors, but to readers as well.

As an author, receiving any review provides me with:

- acknowledgement that someone has actually read the book
- feedback on what worked for the reader
- a star rating which could bring in another reader
- support for my work and encouragement to continue

For the reader, reviews provide:
- a glimpse into what the book is about in someone elses view
- a way of deciding whether to buy/read the book
- a way of expressing how they feel about the book (writing a review)

Not an exhaustive list, but you get the picture. Reviews are so helpful which is why I love to receive them, good or bad. If you read, please leave a review, even just a short one helps.

Here's Jada's:

'Marvin's life couldn't get much worse. He lost his father. He gained a stepfather. His stepfather has forced the family to move. The house is hideous, located next to a graveyard, and it smells. Of old, dead people.

Marvin's father still visits him as a ghost. He encourages his son to use his inherited ability to see ghosts. Marvin just wants to be a normal boy.

Debra Edwards' Marvin's Curse is a great paranormal/horror book for young adults. The characters are engaging. Ms. Edwards captures teenage angst, and adds her own brand of the paranormal.'

If you like this review, why not pop over to the Amazon site and click on the 'yes' helpful button.