Thursday, July 02, 2015

Super day at Toftwood Junior School

I had another great author visit in Dereham, Norfolk. This time I was with Year 3 at Toftwood Junior School. Lots of the pupils dressed as superheroes for the day which added to the fun.
Year 3 leader, Anita Warren, organised a fabulous day for me which included an author talk and three workshops.
This picture is taken in their new library which is due to be officially opened later this month.

There was a really lovely write-up on their website.

Year 3 Are Visited By Author, Debra J Edwards

The children’s author Debra J Edwards came to visit Year 3 to give a talk to the children all about what inspired her to become a writer and how she used ideas and events from her life as inspiration for her books and the main character in them, Aggie Lichen; Pilp Collector. She then went on to take some exciting and fast paced creative writing workshops with the classes, where groups of children invented their own super hero character and then gave them super powers and gadgets to use in defeating their enemies. The children used the ideas they had created in their work shop to write  a story all about their superhero.
Here are some comments by the children about Debbie’s visit:

·         I enjoyed Debbie’s whole visit!                                                   Cadell

·         I liked creating our superhero - ‘Super Flameo’, designing his costume and working together on inventing his super powers.        Siena, Justin and Aksayan

·         I liked it when Debbie did her talk in assembly and was acting out the children she had taught in the past who inspired her to come up with the idea for her first book.                                                                                   Tahlia

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