Friday, October 27, 2006

The brain starts ticking ...

At first I just started getting ideas that made no real sense. I thought about fairies or Ppfairies as I called them They were a mixture of pig and fairy living at the bottom of gardens. Quite bizarre! But these early images were to have a profound effect on my writing life. As young girl - yes, I was one too - I had always loved fairies and mythical creatures. Then as I began teaching fate stepped in - in the guise of Year 2 children. Have you ever noticed how children aged 6-7 never seem to have all their teeth? Yeah, well me too! I used to get inundated with tales of how the tooth fairy had been the previous night and left money under the pillow. Day in and day out came the news of the tooth fairy visit. It all got too much one day and my kind exterior finally broke down ...

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