Saturday, September 21, 2013

Self-publishing talk SCBWI Oxford Group 18th September


I had a lovely time talking to the SCBWI Oxford group last Wednesday. Organised by Sue, I spent about one and a half hours speaking about self-publishing using a presentation to prompt my terrible memory. I'm no expert, but was able to share my experiences. It seemed to go well. I just hope I didn't put them off going down that route.

We spent some time looking at why some people choose to self-publish and what that entails with the printed book. Then we looked at publishing e-books and what that involves. The last part of the talk was about marketing, going through the many different ways of promoting books etc.

I did go away thinking about how much work self-publishing actually takes. Sometimes when you do things you don't realise the full extent of it. Would I do it all again? Most definitely!

Thank you the invitation, ladies. I had a really good time.

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